A new EP album Microworld Reflections will be released Spring 2014. Four new tracks for flute have been written, and performed, by Jacqui Smith based on interpretations of atomic force microscope images as part of this project. If you would be interested in receiving a free CD, subject to availability, please check here.
Imaged a few samples of alpaca and cat hair to aid Jacqui S's musical interpretations. ~James
Thinking about composing a piece of music that follows the cuticle scale edge patterns that vary along the length of a hair. ~Jacqui S
Completed 1st composition for flute - tentatively called 'Proteins on RNA1.' ~Jacqui S Reverse transcriptase enzymes on an RNA/DNA hybrid strand
Jacqui Smith to compose some flute music, with accompanying instrumental backing where appropriate, based on AFM images of hair and DNA. Welcome! Visit her website on www.jacquismithmusic.com ~James